Selected Talks and Publications
Augmenting the User Experience in Open OnDemand
2023, Bujeda A., Duncan, S., Horka, W., Lawrence, E., Reekie, M., Schlatter, T., Wisniewski, L., Chalker, A., Ohrstrom, J. PEARC ’23, July 23–27, 2023, Portland, OR, USA
Don't Look at the Data! How Differential Privacy Reconfigures the Practices of Data Science
2023, Sarathy, J., Song, S., Haque, A., Schlatter, T., Vadhan, S.
2023, Schlatter, T. Information Architecture Conference (IAC). New Orleans, LA.
Personas for Software? How and Why we Developed Archetypes for an Open Source Product
2021, Schlatter, T. [Virtual] juried poster. Information Architecture Conference (IAC). International Scope.
Tenets for Successful Health Communication
2020, Schlatter, T. [Virtual] invited lecture. The Pandemic: Science and Society course. Krista Milich. Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
Make me think! How might we create appropriate barriers for responsible interactions in Dataverse?
2020, Schlatter, T. [Virtual]. Information Architects Conference Academics and Practitioners Roundtable. International Scope.
2020, Schlatter, T. Discussion panel chair. World IA Day, Boston, MA.
Communicating with Data: visual design principles and practices for effective scientific communications
2020, Schlatter, T. Invited talk, Biogen, Boston, MA.
Advancing computational reproducibility in the Dataverse data repository platform
2020, Trisovic, A., Durbin, P. Schlatter, P., Durand. G., Barbosa, S., Brooke, D., Crosas, M.
Expanding the Discourse: Future Practices in Scholarly Publishing
2019, Barness, J., Papalias, A., Schlatter, T. Decipher, Vol. 1. New York, NY: Dialogue: Proceedings of the AIGA Design Educators Community Conference
Make Me Think! Creating Appropriate Barriers for Responsible Interactions in Dataverse
2019, Schlatter, T. Women Talk Design Event at World Interaction Design Day, Boston, MA.
Gut-check: the Boston UX Community and the Current Tech Backlash
2018, Schlatter, T. Gautier, J., Murphy, D. Juried. User Experience Professionals (UXPA) Conference, Boston, MA.
Harvard Dataverse usability 4.6 testing results
2017, Gautier, J., Murphy, D., Schlatter, T. Harvard Dataverse.
Visual Usability: Principles and Practices for Designing Digital Applications
2013, Schlatter, T., Levinson, D. Elsevier. ISBN 9780123985361
Secrets of Good Health Website Design
2011, Lisa Gualtieri Interviews Tania Schlatter. Retrieved on 9.1.2023
Designing Personalized, Dynamic Web Applications with ATG
2002, Schlatter, T. White paper.