I use prototyping and participatory sessions at any stage of design and development to inform direction and design. I work from what is known, determine what we need to know or who we need to hear from and lead research to fill gaps in understanding.

Consilience is a web application designed and developed at Harvard IQSS to facilitate statistical analysis of very large text-based datasets. I planned and led two interactive workshops with Harvard and outside researchers during iterative design phases to learn about how researchers interpret the app and possible applications to their work.


Interface for a prototype of COnsilience software designed at Harvard IQSS

The MIT OME hired Nimble Partners to design a new website for the department. We created an interactive prototype for students to show us what content they were interested in and why.

MIT Office of Minority Affairs

Parts for a paper prototype used with MIT students. Tania Schlatter

Know Pods concept research

As part of the Tools for Teachers initiative at the Institute of Design my partner Bill Kerr and I ran participatory sessions with middle school students to learn what they valued in a tool to help them learn math.

Middle school students create concepts for digital tools to help them learn math
paper prototype for Knowledge Pods concept Tania Schlatter

As part of the Tools for Teachers initiative at the Institute of Design, I designed a program and website to engage students with artifacts at the Art Institute of Chicago before and after trips to the museum.

Students tested an interactive conceptual prototype and a digital prototype during the iterative design process.

Artifacts art museum school visit concept

Still from video of students trying a prototype

Robinson Hall Touchscreens


MIT Websites